

  • Lisa Wahyu Wahdini PT Bara Energi Lestari Contractor, Aceh Barat.



mining, economic impact of mining, mining in Aceh, regional sustainable development


Aceh Province is producing oil, gas, and coal to fulfill the energy consumption in Indonesia. People who lived around the mining activities are categorized as low to medium economic level. The companies implemented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) but it was not enough. They must have some plans to improve the quality of life to realize the sustainable development goals around the mining area. This research was prepared using the literature method. This research aims to give hope these plans can realize the sustainable development goals around the mining area in Aceh, then can be an example to show the good economic impact of oil-gas and coal mining on people around the mining area. There are ten plans in this research that can realize with government and company support: rent houses, coffee shops, minimarkets, foods markets, courses, handicrafts and souvenir shops, car wash (called ‘doors meet’ in Aceh), plantation and hydroponic tourism, massage services, midwife (nurse) and hospital.


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How to Cite

Wahdini, L. W. (2023). PUBLIC’S OPPORTUNITY IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PLANS AROUND THE MINING ACTIVITIES IN ACEH: -. Journal of Mechanical Science and Engineering, 10(1), 007–009.