Influence of Blending of Diesel Certified and Biodiesel CPO on Efficiency of 60 MMT SB Boiler Type


  • Rosdiana Moeksin Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Novia Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Ellyanie Universitas Sriwijaya



Solar Certified, CPO Biodiesel, Fire Tube Boilers, Emissions, Efficiency


Combustion is chemically the process of mixing oxygen and carbon and produces heat. Oxygen is extracted from air while carbon derived from fuel. Combustion in a boiler is a chemical process of unification of the fuel and oxygen that produces heat energy. Calculation of the combustion process is the starting point when on design a boilers, furnaces and other appliances that generate heat from the combustion process.. This study analyse the fuel that is a mixture of Diesel fuel and biodiesel fuel derived from crude palm oil. Biodiesel was mixed with diesel fuel and the mixture fuels were ultimately obeserved element content for some variable composisiton of biodiesel in mixture fuel. This mixture fuel was as burning media in boiler. The analysis show that when the more the composition of biodiesel give a reduction of element of SO2, CO, NOx in exhaust gas of boiler while the maximum boiler efficiency is 85.637% for mixture fuel of 20% biodiesel composition.


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How to Cite

Moeksin, R. ., Novia, & Ellyanie. (2020). Influence of Blending of Diesel Certified and Biodiesel CPO on Efficiency of 60 MMT SB Boiler Type. Journal of Mechanical Science and Engineering, 1(1), 013–017.