The Carburizing Process of Low Carbon Steel with Charcoal Media


  • Yahya Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya
  • Nukman Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Hendri Chandra Universitas Sriwijaya



carburizing process coconut shell, goat bone, hardness test, Tensile Test, Impact Test, microstructure


Carburizing process is carried out to improve the power quality of a low carbon steel with a low cost. The material used is a type of low carbon steel with a carbon value of 0.25%. Carburizing process on low carbon steel at a 0 temperature of 900 C with a holding time of 90 minutes using goat bone and coconut shell char medial. The use of goat bone charcoal carburizer produces higher hardness values of carbon steel with coconut shell charcoal media. Results of testing the value of carbon steel after carburizing processes with coconut shell was 0,423% whereas after carburizing process with goat bone carbon value of only 1,593%.


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How to Cite

Yahya, Nukman, & Chandra, H. (2020). The Carburizing Process of Low Carbon Steel with Charcoal Media. Journal of Mechanical Science and Engineering, 1(1), 001–006.