Analysis of A Compared Temperature Using Capillary Tube Different Measurement Length at Room 3 X 4 m2 Helping Ac Portable


  • Rendywiseta Politeknik Sekayu, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Faizal Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Riman Sipahutar Universitas Sriwijaya



Total Heat, Capillary Tube, Psychrometry, Air Conditioning


At this time along with the times a lot of problems that occur in this world like the Earth's warming temperatures globally. Human needs of the air conditioning apparatus has become a staple in our daily lives. There is also a saying that the Air Conditioner (AC)has become a mandatory item installed in homes without air conditioning because of the environment around the home became more sultry and hot when we were in the neighborhood. In developments at this time have many types of AC marketed like Split AC, AC Windows, Central air conditioning and so on. A capillary tube expansion device or lowering pressure so cheap that researchers sought to examine the ratio of capillary- sized 33, 54, and 76 cm to the temperature of an air conditioner Portable. Results comparative study of the capillary tube length obtained the lowest total heat value is 9086, 6925 Btu / Hr and the highest is 15144.4875 Btu/Hr.


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How to Cite

Rendywiseta, Faizal, M., & Sipahutar, R. (2020). Analysis of A Compared Temperature Using Capillary Tube Different Measurement Length at Room 3 X 4 m2 Helping Ac Portable. Journal of Mechanical Science and Engineering, 2(2), 009–014.